For this week’s reading, I was provided with multiple articles that gave me information about Storyboards. Storyboards remind me of a project I did with my students. However, the only difference I found was that I used a Storymap felt board and it was used for comprehension, sequence of events, retelling, and recalling. I love using a Storymap felt board because it allowed me to check the student’s comprehension. Even though Storyboard and Storymap have similarities, both remind me of pieces of a puzzle that are put together to tell a story.
Storyboards, for me, is important to use during classroom because it gives you a chance to organize your thoughts, illustrate creative ideas, and not only that it helps you with communication, but also deliver the content to your students that are engaging. A key thing that I learned from reading the articles was the many templates to choose from. It can be a PowerPoint, Word, or even a commercial application (Pappas ,2015). I also learned that there are many forms of apps for digital storytelling. For instants, Adobe Slate, Puppet pals, ShowMe Interactive Whiteboard, and Sock Puppets. There are also different websites for digital storytelling such as ACMI Generator, Bubblr, Capzles, Comic Master, Slidesstory, and Storybird that anyone can use (Papas,2013).
Storyboards are a fun way to interact with students. It’s an easy way to convey your stories. With a writing format that includes visuals, text, audio, and sets of boxes which could be squares, rectangles, circles, or even other shapes, you can see your narrative story come to life. There is still more for me to learn about Storyboards and how to use them. So, I can have a clear understanding of all the different ways I can use Storyboards.
Pappas., (2015) 12 Tips To Create Effective eLearning Storyboards. E-Learning Industry
Pappas., (2013) 18 Free Digital Storytelling Tools For Teachers And Students. E- Learning Industry
Storyboards video link
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