It is fair to say that the world was not ready for the pandemic we are living in today. This past year was difficult for everyone. The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us how to cope and figure out solutions in all work fields. The pandemic took on a major impact on the education field and stakeholders. However, the world keeps on moving with the use of technology. The education system still has an immense of work to do but with the advances in technology, solutions can be found almost instantaneously. Consider this, teachers and students were not prepared to learn and teach online, nor did parents know how to help their children online. Keep in mind that we, as a community, have parents that are not educated and are limited in resources. So, what have we learned from this? We learned that we need to teach the students the importance of technology and to do this, the students must be taught from a young age. Teaching students to be digital literate and good digital citizens is vital. Helping and training teachers with the use of technology and giving them more access to resources to use, so they can implement good teaching. Studies have shown that Americans from low income can transition into new emerging jobs if provided with the right skills. (World Economic Forum, 2021) This can be done by filling the gap that students need to succeed in this technological world everyone is living in. (World Economic Forum, 2021), believes that these four conditions can help students that are equal access to education and skills training, adequate, reliable internet access for all, private and public sector collaboration and commitment of leadership.
In addition to the many challenges’ teachers faced keeping the students engage in online learning. (Reimaging higher education: The post -covid classroom, 2021), believes the past year we have learned that solely hosting lectures as online meetings is leaving some students behind and leaving many yearning for the rich campus experiences that fostered learning in and out of the classroom. According to the post -covid classroom, 2021, they found that 60 percent of faculty witnessed a drop in engagement as students struggled to stay focused, and that 70 percent of faculty are concerned about their ability to deliver engaging, high-value learning experiences. This is what has suffered the most as a result of COVID-19. Without a strong sense of community, students are struggling to keep up academically.
Reimagining higher education: The post-covid classroom. (2021). EDUCAUSE Review | EDUCAUSE.
World Economic Forum. (2021). This is how we build a future-ready workforce for the post-COVID world. World Economic Forum.
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The four conditions shared is a great starting point for leaders to consider this year, as the pandemic is not over yet. Thank you for sharing a great resource.