Learning is being able to recall information and is a lifelong process. Learning happens in all different stages of life. Students can acquire learning by gaining knowledge, skills, and behavior. One way students can learn is through multimedia. Mayer & Moreno, (2002), believes the learner could understand more consistently when animation was used correctly with respect of the cognitive theory of multimedia learning. Jamet, (2014), believes learning can be enhanced by cues, this is evident when a student is directed to a certain area of information at a specific time. This led me to believe the concept of using multimedia is true. One multimedia source I have used personally and has help in the past, which in my opinion it incorporates many of the Mayer’s Principles is Khan Academy. Also, the school district where my children are currently attending to has also provided them with a link to use Khan Academy for a deeper understanding of the content.
In addition, it is imperative to create a deeper understanding of learning since there are different types of learners, it is vital to have many kinds of learning materials that will be essential for the students and adult learning. How does multimedia relate to pedagogy and andragogy? It is simple, all three provide support to the learner and it by an instructional or educator. Mayer’s (2014), believes, multimedia it is a way of learning and it is done by using picture and words and graphics. Multimedia uses audio, video, images, scripts, and many more elements. Pedagogy is a teaching method that teaches different content and students rely on the teacher. Andragogy is a teaching strategy that helps adult learning gain experiences, and it is also done by a teacher. What they have in common is that all three need an educator to implement learning.
After reading the articles, it gave me a better understanding of how to use multimedia in a classroom. This will give me the confidence to apply it to my future career. I will provide two articles links blow called “An eye-tracking study of cueing effects in multimedia learning” and “Animation as an Aid to Multimedia Learning” for future reference.
Jamet, E. (2014). An eye-tracking study of cueing effects in multimedia learning. Computers in Human Behavior, 32, 47-53.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2013.11.013
Mayer, R. E., & Moreno, R. (2002). Animation as an Aid to Multimedia Learning. Education Psychology Review. Animation as an Aid to Multimedia Learning. Education Psychology Review 14, 87-99. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1013184611077
Mayer, R. E. (2014). Research-‐based principles for designing multimedia instruction overview of multimedia instruction. Academia.edu - Share research. https://www.academia.edu/30179315/Research_Based_Principles_for_Designing_Multimedia_Instruction_Overview_of_Multimedia_Instruction
Multimedia learning. (2019, December 18). Welcome to the University at Buffalo - University at Buffalo. https://www.buffalo.edu/ubcei/enhance/learning/multimedia-learning.html#title_1970192395
Principles of multimedia learning. (2020, January 31). Center for Teaching and Learning | Wiley Education Services. https://ctl.wiley.com/principles-of-multimedia-learning/
Shutter Picture Link https://image.shutterstock.com/image-illustration/audiobook-concept-book-play-button-600w-1716487783.jpg
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