Tuesday, June 8, 2021


Best Internet Concept of global business from concepts series, connection symbols communication lines. Elements of this image furnished by NASA

                 For this week’s reading I found this article interesting. The article is called “What is Web 3.0, Really, and What Does it Mean for the Education?” My understanding on this article is about the different changes that could happen in the near future. The fact that the education system is changing from the traditional ways of teaching to a more technological way of learning makes it vital for the school system to keep up with the new development as new technology arises for students learning. For example, this pandemic has taught us different ways to use technology and we still need to educate ourselves with it even more. Like trial and error, we have learned what works with technology and what doesn’t. This past year teachers, students, and even parents had to adjust to the new online learning method. Google Classroom, Canvas, Zoom, are some examples that students had to adjust to for online learning. 

O’Reilly was on point about what is happening right now and could happen in the world of technology in the education system. O’Reilly states with the big growth industry as it relates to the internet is data analysis. As we become more mobile and our cars and buildings become smarter and more connected to each other, we’re going to have another flourish of data analysis. (Delaney 2012). After reading this section, I learned that there is most likely going to be a demand for a data analyst in the future with all the new technology and data coming in. I also agree with O’Reilly (Delaney 2012) because he states that schools are going to have to catch up to what happens in the real world. I strongly believe that we are already behind in the school system including teachers. I believe teachers need assistance with technology and need to feel comfortable with technology in to order implement good teaching methods. It will play an important role in the education system. 

Another thing that was within this article was a question asked, “If students will have access to personalized learning, what does it mean for educators?” O’Reilly states teachers want to see their students learn and succeed; the emerging tool will augment their ability to support their students (Delaney 2012). I strongly agree with this statement that all teachers want their students to succeed. With all the new technology, teachers and students are learning and teachers will also be able to incorporate the new technology into a traditional classroom. I think this is neat because the teacher can start using what they’ve learn about technology and apply it to a classroom setting. I also believe that the role of a teacher is always going to be there for students, even when students need to learn through online courses.

There is still more for me to understand about the Webs 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0, but I found a video that gives a better understanding about the Webs to people like me who are trying to learn more about the topic. 

 Web 3.0 modern internet concept. Businessman think how to capitalize web 3.0 trend. 











Delaney, M. (2012). What Is Web 3.0, Really, and What Does It Mean for Education? Ed Tech Magazine.https://edtechmagazine.com/k12/article/2012/10/what-web-30-really-and-what-does-it-mean-educati  

Picture https://image.shutterstock.com/image-illustration/best-internet-concept-global-business-600w-527035084.jpg

Picture  https://image.shutterstock.com/image-photo/web-30-modern-internet-concept-600w-604966226.jpg

Video link https://youtu.be/Sp0DXdIRJzs

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