Friday, April 23, 2021

Article Reflection



Digital literacy is a term that is analyzed in this 21st century. Even though technology has been here for quite a time, it seems like it blew up overnight. Digital literacy has been in my mind for the past 16 weeks. Which, the more I read on it, the more I believe digital literacy should be taught at an early age. After reading some articles, I found out that researchers have been analyzing digital literacy for some time. An article that I read called “Critical Perspectives on Digital Literacies: Creating a Path Forward”. (Spires, 2019) states that digital Literacy is defined as exposing people to information and media. Exposing people to information gives them the ability to read critically and formulate their opinions on variety of literature. However, curiosity provides the new generation with the ability to read interpret and acquire more information from multiple. The article discusses four themes. Which are defining digital literacy, social culture theories of digital literacy, digital literacy in practice, and digital skills and efficacy. The article also addresses Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Theory of Learning. Sociocultural theory of learning situates digital literacy and learning. Vygotsky view of learning stems from social interactions between humans and the learning that transpires. His theory still applies to contemporary settings in which learning takes place when humans interact with digital technologies. What Vygotsky mentions above, answers my question that I have about digital literacy. I believe students can learn when it comes to digital learning. 

business man writing DIGITAL LEARNING  over the cloud with office background , business concept , business idea 













Spires, H. A. (2019). Critical perspectives on digital literacies: Creating a path forward. Media and Communication7(2), 1-3.

Photo business-man-writing-digital-learning-600w-362177516.jpg

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Article Reflection

Reflection 2


The article I decided to use for my reflection is title “Connecting Digital Literacy and Pedagogy”. The article states that the Inquiry Cycle model can be useful to enhance digital literacy in a classroom. The article mentions connecting instructional strategies and digital media into classroom for daily use practice. As I was reading the article, and I found something that got my attention. I know that everyone can relate to this, because I heard this from many different people and the article mentions that too. We honestly don’t know, and we cannot predict our future, but we could least prepare our students for the future (Casey & Bruce, 2011, p76). We know that there are challenges that educators have faced with this new technology, but we also have to keep in mind to leave room for new ideas. With the use of technology being used and interacting with student in classroom lead to a new approach to pedagogy. It is necessary to review the concept of digital literacy and to seek a specific understanding of what digital literacy means in the setting of the primary school classroom. We argue that digital literacy should be framed in terms of the process of learning, particularly the model of learning suggested by the Inquiry Cycle (Casey & Bruce, 2011, p78). What I like about the article is that it addresses

The stages of reflective action, and the fundamental idea that learning begins with the curiosity of the learner. We can envision a spiral path of inquiry: asking questions, investigating solutions, creating, discussing our discoveries and experiences, reflecting on our new-found knowledge, and asking new questions. Each step in this process naturally leads to the next: inspiring new questions, investigations, and opportunities for authentic teachable moments. Each question leads to an exploration, which in turn leads to more questions to investigate (Casey & Bruce, 2011, p78).

Overall, this article was interesting to me because it gave me an insight on how the inquiry circle could help students and educators. Adding something new to something that is old and figuring out on how to approach the new change in literacy can be challenging and difficult at times, but I believe with practice and social learning this could actually work out at the end. 


Casey, L. and Bruce, B.C. (2011). The Practice Profile of Inquiry: Connecting Digital literacy and Pedagogy. E-learning and Digital Media. 8 (1).76-85

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Article Analysis Reflection


My first research article analysis was difficult. It consisted of reading after reading and spending many hours figuring out what the article is actually talking about. Dissecting each section of the paragraphs was overwhelming, along with figuring out if it goes with my topic for my final analysis paper at the end of this course. Here is a brief reflection of my article analysis I reviewed.

Digital literacy is a huge umbrella that has many categories. Living in a digital era, it’s crucial to be familiar with digital literacy. This article goes well with my topic of digital literacy in the 21st k-higher Ed. because it talks about how digital literacy interacts with different areas of literacy. The article I analyzed was called, “A Conceptual Framework for Emergent Digital Literacy”. It says there is a close relationship to emergent literacy development which connects to emergent digital literacy, digital skills, and proficiency in reading and writing. It also talks about emergent digital literacy and how it is impacting the learning process of the young and how children develop the concepts and language through digital tools. A research was conducted to see if digital text and non-digital text will promote them to have some digital knowledge. The article mentions two theories and explains the process on how children learn. The other theory consisted of the use of various of models. The findings of this article were exactly what I expected. I believe stakeholders need to know the value of being digital literate, so they can emphasize the importance of digital literacy to children.


Neumann, M. M., Finger, G., & Neumann, D. L. (2017). A Conceptual Framework for Emergent Digital Literacy. Early Childhood Education Journal45(4), 471479.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Research Topic Interest

Digital Literacy in the 21st century

Digital Literacy has different types of categories that helps you move to the next step to become digital literate. Digital literacy is something that is very important. It is very useful for children, students, adolescence, adults and even to the elderly. The use of technology is everywhere and is use by many people. Nowadays it is crucial to be digital literate, snice we are living in the world of digital era. Digital literacy has to start from somewhere, my first research topic of interest discusses how emergent literacy works in a close relation to the development of digital literacy. Emergent Literacy and Emergent Digital Literacy Development may interact with improvements in one domain that may promote development in the other (Neumann et al., 2016, p. 474). The result shows emergent literacy helps children gain knowledge of digital skills and become proficient in conventional literacy, but it also mentions when children are introduced to digital text at a young age and become proficient in digital literacy. (Neumann et al., 2016, p. 472). 

In my opinion I believe that emergent literacy helps develop digital literacy and digital skills. Digital literacy is like puzzle, once all the pieces are put together it creates a picture on how it all works with each other.

Digital composite of Pile of books with blue gear graphics against blurry bookshelf


Neumann, M. M., Finger, G., & Neumann, D. L. (2017). A Conceptual Framework for Emergent Digital Literacy. Early Childhood Education Journal45(4), 471479.

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